The North Coast Viewed As A River

Commentary from, “The Death And Life Of The Great Lakes” supports what is thought of the entire trip of The North Coast from Minnesota’s St Louis River’s entrance into Lake Superior and via an implied “current” takes you on the following path (below). This ends, via the St Lawrence River entering the Atlantic Ocean.
Think of a giant beach ball being hosted for 3,465 miles by a ‘current’!
How could it be? Suggest: stand a picture of The North Coast upright, on its edge.
Then raise the left end 1/4” and you will somewhat indicate by elevation/gravity the ride to the ocean. Just search Google, “Great Lakes profile map” and see for yourself. Make sure to note the continual downhill ride to the ocean.

Might the Great Lakes be better named as The North Coast river?

The Path & the BoundaryElevation Above Sea Level
St Louis River’s flow into & Lake Superior’s601 Feet
Into St Marys River578
Into Lake Huron577
Into The St Clair River at Port Huron572
Onto Lake St Clair572
Into the Detroit River571
And out to Lake Erie571
Down the Niagara River 194′ of drop due to the falls246
Spill into Lake Ontario246
At St Lawrence River’s end at Cabot Strait and into
the Atlantic Ocean

Total Run: Approx. 3,465 boundary miles includes a 356’ drop in elevation!

Note: The miles & elevation indicated are a composite of data from NOAA, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, and “The Death And Life Of The Great Lakes”. Therefore, consider this as highly indicative composite but not an official source.